Subject: Re: bwtwo questions
To: der Mouse <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
From: Don Koch <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 05/12/1996 22:34:17
Regarding 3/260 video:
As far as I've been able to figure out, the 3/260s, despite the hint
in the PROM manual to the contrary, can not run in 1152x900 mode. I
have two of these beasts, too; so, if you find a way, let me know. (The
PROM manual indicated that 1152x900 required a hardware mod which
everyone I've talked to claims doesn't exist.)
> My questions, then, are (1) is there any reasonable chance of getting
> the -3/150 to drive its video connector?
You might check that the Video Clock jumper is in place (J2301 - just up
from the keyboard connector). Otherwise, I suspect you have bad video
hardware. (Hint for the others, this is the same as a 3/140, 160, 180
and possibly a 75, depending on the exact board.)
> (2) can the monitor be
adjusted to run 1600x1280, and would it hurt it to do so?
> and (3) when
> I boot NetBSD on the -3/260 (using the cgtwo it also has for console),
> it reports the bwtwo as 1152x900, why?
It lied.