Subject: a question about bwtwo1 (cgfour)
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jari Kokko <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 05/23/1996 15:34:21
When the installation notes about NetBSD/sun3 mention supported video
hardware listing bwtwo and cgfour, does that imply support for bwtwo1?
I soon might be faced with a situation of having a 3/60 with a cgfour
and a b/w-monitor at bwtwo1, can NetBSD handle this? I guess so, but
I'd like to know for sure.
Jari Kokko
PS. the problem is that I seem to have a fried SCSI onboard my current
3/60 w/bwtwo, and might have to replace it with one w/cgfour. Can
anyone guess why a SCSI-chain of 3 Micropolises suddenly stopped
working? The PROM monitor reports scsi: "select failed", no matter if
I try with only one disk, or the whole chain. Do these things just
drop dead without warnings?