Subject: INfo..
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 10/13/1996 22:01:00
I was thinking on putting up a WebPage on my server about how to boot up sun
workstations bootless, becasue of all the quistions we are getting in this
mailinglist about it.
I run Linux myself, and can therefore only tell people hoe to get it running
as a xterminal or just "plain" boot. If someone wishes to write a report on
how to getting running on other systems, please send me a mail about it, and
Ill put it up.
If there already is such a webpage somewhere, let me know .. everybody is
asking me questions about it all the time, so i just think its time to get
such a page up and ruinning..
Karl Wettin