Subject: Re: A few general interest questions...
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Craig Dewick <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 11/18/1996 14:17:25
In <> (Peter Seebach) writes:

>First off, does anything fatal happen to a machine with an FPU if I remove
>"-msoft-float" from my compile options?  Does it *help* at all to do so?
>How much floating point do we do, anyway?

It would really only make a difference with things like X servers and the
like which tend to do math calculations, and related things like image
manipulation programs. I don't think the kernel uses any floating point.

>(I'm assuming the chip labeled "68881" is an FPU.  :) )

Yes, that's the FPU - life-long companion to the 68020.


            Craig Dewick. Send email to ''
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       access my collection of Sun information and links to other places.