Subject: Re: NetBSD 1.2B
To: Brad Spencer <>
From: Rick Kelly <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 11/29/1996 22:51:19
Brad Spencer said:
>I believe that this should be something like kvprintf [in
>.../sun3/stand/libsa/panic.c]. I have not tried the boot, yet.... So
>I am unsure if they work.
I changed vprintf to kvprintf in panic.c and that fixed it.
>The only think I'v noticed is the bit about the 'reboot' call becoming
>a "normal" system call. This will cause problems when trying to use a
>new reboot or halt binary with an older kernel. Other then that, the
>'make build' was fairly uneventful.
You were right about the reboot.
I ftped a new copy of sys.tar.gz, built a new kernel, and it worked out
of the box.
Rick Kelly