Subject: Re: A few general interest questions...
To: Peter Seebach <>
From: David Gilbert <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 12/08/1996 20:24:54
>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Seebach <> writes:
Peter> (I'm assuming the chip labeled "68881" is an FPU. :) )
Yes, it is. You can get another 20% by using a 68882, I
Peter> Secondly, are there any reccommended ways to "tune" Sun3
Peter> systems? Apart, that is, from removing kernel options you
Peter> don't use...
Peter> I know that, on the Amiga port, locore.s could be hacked to
Peter> speed a system up detectably by #ifdef'ing the code that
Peter> selects, with every MMU operation, whether to do the '040 or
Peter> the '030 version; would this be a meaningful improvement for
Peter> the sun3 port? (If so, I suspect it should pend the 3/80 being
Peter> done, because that'll probably massively alter locore.s.)
Well... your Sun3 is only a 68020. Sun made a couple 68030
based machines (80,380,?) but Sun never manufactured any 68040 based
machines... so there shouldn't be any 040 code in the Sun3 kernel.
|David Gilbert, PCI, Richmond Hill, Ontario. | Two things can only be |
|Mail: | equal if and only if they |
| | are precisely opposite. |