Subject: Re: tape problems....
To: David Brownlee <>
From: Wonko the Sane <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 12/19/1996 16:33:26
David Brownlee drunkenly mumbled...
> No, you can just 'newfs' them. If it is an old drive then you
> probably want to run the sunos format on it to check out any
> bad blocks first - the sun3 sunos boot media is available from the
> sun3 ftp site - check out the link from the NetBSD/sun3 web
> page.
be very careful with SUN's format command. if isn't all it could be. i would
recommend pulling the drive out of the machine it's in, hook it to a Mac and
run the MDK toolkit's format on it. MDK will do a better job, and won't die
on you if there is something seriously wrong with the drive. SUN's format
will sometimes just up and quit on you whereas MDK's format would have kept
going to finish the job.
just my $.02 after having gone though the problem of just how lousy SUN's
format command is (Solaris 2.5.1 on a Sparc5)