Subject: Re: Sun 3/60 [NetBSD 1.2] keeps on booting.
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jari Kokko <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 01/15/1997 07:29:31
In article <>,
Rick Kelly <> wrote:
> I'm just using the undaring, default options=1.
Well, I have the options at 7, and it seems to work for me... Mind
you, the machine is under little load and memory use most of the time.
Swap is at 25% or so mostly. I only get hit by the everything-dumps
bug when I really use swap, like running xv -wait 1 for dozens of big
images. Usually, some big process, like emacs, when used after that is
in a non-deterministic state, but nothing else is affected, except
rarely, when everything starts dumping core.
I find that options 7 is a must, if I want to use the tape drive,
because otherwise, when e.g. the tape is rewinding, everything just
waits for it to finish :-)
Jari Kokko