Subject: Re: netbsd-1.2/sun3 GENERIC panics at cpu_switch after adding more memory....
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sun3
Date: 03/06/1997 17:48:01
> Unfortunately even with more than adequate memory (40MB, 18 free
> according to systat after logging in to an X11 session), this 3/260
> is very perceptively slower running NetBSD-1.2 diskless than a
> physically slower and less amply configured 3/60 (12MB) running
> SunOS-4.1.1U1 diskless.  The only difference I'm unable to account
> for with hard measurements is the difference between X11R5 on a mono
> bw2 and X11R6 on the CG2.

The -3/260 takes a _significant_ performance hit as soon as you start
timeslicing among multiple processes.  Lots of processes is no problem
as long as, most of the time, at most one of them is runnable - but as
soon as you start context-switching, performance takes a nosedive.
This appears to be because the thing has a virtually tagged cache, so
as soon as you context switch you have to flush the cache.  And without
the benefit of its cache, the thing _crawls_.  It may be that a -3/60
beats a -3/260 when the 260 can't get the benefit of its cache, truly a
case of lots of mips and no I/O...only here, the I/O is CPU-to-RAM :-)

					der Mouse

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