Subject: Re: Sun 3/80 without...
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Glenn Thobe <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 04/25/1997 10:47:02
> Emmanuel Keller wrote:
> > I have 3 Sun 3/80 stations. But they don't have
> > any RAM, and no disk, ...
> > * Where can I find simms (9 bits/100 ns I think) ?
> Yes, you want 9-chip (1x9) 30-pin SIMMs at 100ns or faster.
Or better yet, go for the 4x9 (4 MB) size, which you can use under
BOOT PROM revision 3.0.3. Then you can have up to 64MB in your 3/80.
If you plan to install more than 40MB, however, a minor hardware
modification is required. (I am only reporting what I have read, so
I cannot guarantee that any of this will actually work.)
You an find the BOOT PROM image and instructions on the hardware mod at:
<LI><a href="">Sun3 Archive (also patches)</a>
> > * Where can I find a hd (SCSI 1 I think) ?
Most any fast SCSI-II disk should work fine (differential or wide SCSI
will entail special adapters and thus won't fit in the case). Look for
disks with low power consumption if you plan to mount them internally.
I recommend monitoring the internal temperature or mounting the HD in
an external box with cooling.
I have heard from what I believe are reliable sources that SunOS works
with up to 1GB (10^30 bytes) *per partition*. I have used 1GB disks
myself under SunOS. Sun only ever supported 105 MB hard disks in their
3/80s, but :-).
Does anyone know if multi-gigabyte hard disks can be used under NetBSD?
Enjoy your 3/80s.
-Glenn Thobe <>