Subject: Re: X11R6.3
To: Michael C. Richardson <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 08/01/1997 08:24:38
	It should work if you turn off 'xkb' support - its something
	like '-xkb' in /usr/X11R6.3/lib/X11/xdm/Xservers - check the
	X manpage.


On Fri, 1 Aug 1997, Michael C. Richardson wrote:

> In "Sun 3 X11R6.3 Binaries and Xkernel Now Available", Curt Sampson
> <> wrote:
> | I've put up Ian Dall's X11R6.3 binaries and patches for the Sun 3
> | on, if anyone wants
> | them. There's also an Xkernel root image there to allow the use of
> | those old 3/50s as Xterms.
>   I just grabbed this finally.
>   I kept having problems with xfig 3.2 crashing my X term (not a
> diskless machine) and decided to upgrade.
>   I symlinked /usr/X11R6.3 to /usr/X11R6 and extracted on top of my
> old X.
>   There is some weirdness with library paths, and this X is built
> against newer libc than 1.2, but I can cope with that.
>   What I can't cope with is the lack of key repeat.
> amaterasu-[/users/mcr] 55 >xset q
> /usr/libexec/ warning: minor version >= 5 expected, using it
>  anyway
> Keyboard Control:
>   auto repeat:  on    key click percent:  0    LED mask:  00000000
>   auto repeating keys:  00ffffffffffffff
>                         fffff7fffffbdfbf
>                         0100000000000000
>                         0000000000000000
>   I guess I don't really understand what the keycode is. (This isn't
> stock, I've added a couple of bits. e.g. 127, 120 on).
>   Nothing repeats, doesn't matter what window I'm in. (At first I
> thought it was my recently built Xemacs)
>   IDEAS?
>    :!mcr!:            |  Network security programming, currently
>    Michael Richardson | on contract with DataFellows F-Secure IPSec
>  WWW: PGP key available.