Subject: Re: Sun 3/80 questions
To: Rick Copeland <>
From: Jeremy Cooper <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 09/12/1997 10:21:50
On Fri, 12 Sep 1997, Rick Copeland wrote:
> I have picked up a Sun 3/80 (my second) but I cannot get a hard disk to be
> recognized in it. I pulled the hard disk out of my first 3/80 that has
> NetBSD on it and runs perfect but the new one doesn't see it. With a
> monocrome 19" Sun monitor and kybd connected to it, it says it is sending an
> address out (to a rarp server I guess) and all the diags initially come up
> looking resonable. Anyone got any ideas?
Are you sure that your NVRAM isn't invalid? Your machine shouldn't be
sending RARP requests unless you have explicitly told it to boot from the
le() device. If it comes up immediately requesting an Internet address,
especially for the hardware address 0:0:0:0:0:0, it's likely that your
NVRAM has been erased. If you post the exact messages you are seeing, we
could help you better.