Subject: Re: new, improved pmap code
To: None <>
From: Brad Spencer <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 11/06/1997 22:12:04
The "everything core dumps" problem happened to me most often when I
netbooted one sun3 from another - the client lost it about half the time.
Is this a common configuration out there in port-sun3 land, and of you who
are using NetBSD this way, is the "everything core dumps" problem a common
Erik <>
Both of my 3/50 machines will do this if they are running diskless, booted
from a NetBSD/i386 machine. Usually, they will make it to multiuser, but
any real activity causes the "everything core dumps" to happen. Most of
the time, binaries linked with shared libraries lose first. After adding
a disk, and using it, and the problem seems to disappear.
Brad Spencer -