Subject: Copy hard disk to hard disk
To: Rick Copeland <>
From: Jon Schewe <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 11/07/1997 14:12:47
>>>>> "RC" == Rick Copeland <> writes:

    RC> Hello Sun List, I have a Sun 3/80 that is running nicely and I would
    RC> like to make an exact copy of the hard disk drives for a second one
    RC> that I have purchased.  So, is it possible some how to copy an entire
    RC> hard disk drive (I mean everything including boot blocks, etc.) over to
    RC> a new hard disk drive?

I know that you can use find and cpio to copy all the files and devices.  As
far as the boot blocks I'm not real familiar with how they are written so I
can't help there.  

Jon Schewe                |  |
Computer Science Major    |  My opinions may not represent
Michigan Tech University  |  those of my employer or my school.