Subject: Re: sun3x 1.3 netinstall trouble
To: tomp <>
From: Jeremy Cooper <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 01/19/1998 21:45:17
On Mon, 19 Jan 1998, tomp wrote:
> I'm trying to netinstall NetBSD-1.3 on a sun3/80.
> The machine finds it's IP address and loads the netbsd-rd kernel, but instead
> of a welcome screen, I get:
> device md0 (0xd00) not configured
> root device (default le0):
> dump device:
> file system (default ffs):
This is likely to come up a lot, so everyone pay attention. Due to some
bug (of course), the kernel thinks that md0 is unconfigured. Thus it
chooses 'le0' as the next best alternative, which is wrong. Just type
'md0' when it prompts for 'root device' and everything should work fine.