Subject: Re: X problem with dual headed Su3/60
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Matthew N. Dodd <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 02/08/1998 18:35:35
On Sun, 8 Feb 1998, der Mouse wrote:
> This sounds to me as though you want to use the cgfour as if it were a
> cgtwo - that is, you want to ignore the two one-bit planes (the
> mis-called "monochrome" plane and the enable plane). It even sounds as
> though you have the X server persuaded to use the *other* bwtwo
> instead. But it also sounds as though the X server's cgfour support is
> still flipping the enable plane when the cursor leaves the eight-bit
> screen.
According to the information in sys/arch/sun3/conf/GENERIC the baseboard
bwtwo on the 3/60 is located at 0xff000000, while the overlay plane on the
cgfour is at 0xff400000 (which will show up as bwtwo1 if compiled in).
I've got a kernel compiled with only bwtwo0 (baseboard) and cgfour0. I
can run X fine on one or the other, but both produces the console flip I
described. It doesn't appear that its switching to the overlay plane but
switching back to console mode.
> This can probably be fixed with a tiny tweak to the cgfour module in
> the sun3 ddx layer - find the code that flips the enable plane, and
> bash on it to ensure that it never changes anything when it's being rn
> in an attempt to display the one-bit plane. (Of course, the resulting
> server won't be too useful on ordinary cgfours; to do this right would
> mean a command-line option or something.)
Matthew N. Dodd | A memory retaining a love you had for life | As cruel as it seems nothing ever seems to | go right - FLA M 3.1:53