Subject: Re: sun3 versus netbsd-1.3 kernel sizes
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Db <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 02/16/1998 04:55:53
Heya list lizards!

            Whilst we're on the tact, could someone consider compiling a
1.3 netbsd-gen kernel that'll fit on the sun3/50?

  And then....what of the kernel in the 1.3 miniroot, which also won't
fit. Any one want to point me in how to work with miniroot images?; how to mount them as a filesys or something to edit scripts
and/or replace bits and pieces, THEN rebuild it as the miniroot image make sure the thing trys to work :) I'm prepared to do all
the yakka on this if someone can point me wiser on building/manipulating
miniroot images....and if someone gives ALL us poor sun3 dweebers a
site-based 1.3 kernel that *does* fit (-;

  If this is a reiteration of an earlier mail, then it's because I did
it in the midst of a nightmare......
