Subject: Re: NetBSD-1.3.3 port available for sun-3 boxen?
To: Gordon W. Ross <>
From: Robert D. Keys <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 01/16/1999 11:16:58
> Hi! Actually, the arm is coming along well. I can type with
> both hands again, but not as fast as I did when there was no
> cast on my left arm. Anyway, I thought we had a volunteer to
> compile and upload the 1.3.3/sun3 stuff... (care to speak up?)
> Volunteers are always welcome!
> Gordon
Glad your arm is well.
Since I am the fellow that started the query.... I went snooping around
in the archives, and noticed a 1.3.3 tree there. Is
that a real 1.3.3 port, and if so, is that the right one? Anyone know?
I am a little confused still, as to what IS the right/correct/current
Bob Keys