Subject: New Sun3x kernel for 470's
To: None <>
From: Alex Barclay <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 03/25/1999 08:54:24
Hi all,
I have been looking at the cache for the Sun3X architecture machines.
I'm really busy right now but so as people out there with VME based
3X's can actually use them I have put a kernel out for anonymous ftp
Remember this will likely only work if you have a central cache on
your machine. Sun 3/80 owners shouldn't use this kernel as you
will almost certainly crash and burn. (Checks for a lack of cache
and subsequent testing come next)
I have 2 problems with this kernel.
1) I get an unclaimed interrupt ipl 7. I believe that this is a memory
error that I'm not handling. Given ECC memory on 3/470's then it's
probably just telling me that a problem was fixed. I'll look at this
2) I get memory exhaustion errors. kvm_pmap space exhausted. I'm not
sure about this one. I suspect that now the machine is running
faster I am discovering some memory leak within the kernel. I'll
go looking for this one when I have some time.
If anyone is interested then I put the main piece of my code also out
there, cache.c in the same dir as the kernel. It's not pretty but it
works. I'll neaten it up later (when I add the 3/80 checks)
I will also be working on enabling the IO cache at somepoint.