Subject: Re: netbooting sun3/50 (again)
To: TechSupp <>
From: Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET>
List: port-sun3
Date: 04/28/1999 23:09:53
On Thu, 29 Apr 1999, TechSupp wrote:
> The nfs host machine is rh_linux-5.2,
I think someone else already answered your first problem, but it's worth
pointing out that:
(a) all versions of Linux NFS contain bugs that make running a Solaris,
NetBSD, or Linux diskless client unpredictable, difficult, or
sometimes just plain impossible. I actually have a lot of
experience with this, which i'll be happy to email you about
later when you start running into these problems.
(b) the NFS server that ships with RedHat 5.2 is a single-threaded
userland program that you may feel performs unacceptably. i do:
it can be as much as an order of magnitude slower than any other
NFS server on the planet, including NetBSD's NFS, the version of
NFS that Sun originally shipped in SunOS, any commercial UNIX's
NFS, or even Linux 2.2's knfsd.
Miles Nordin / 1-888-857-2723
555 Bryant Street #182 / Palo Alto, CA 94301-1700