Subject: esp0: SCSI bus reset...
To: None <>
From: Marc Schneiders <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 09/18/1999 02:52:43
Yesterday I got a Sun 3/80 (8MB RAM, Keyboard type 4, 19" b/w Sun
screen) for free. It is diskless. I have set up the
server stuff, following the *excellent* FAQ. I think I have the right
kernel (that is sun3x). Anyway, the diskless Sun finds the server, etc and
Unfortunately there seems to be something wrong with the SCSI bus (it is
there, but no disk). The booting of the kernel sort of hangs. It keeps telling:
esp0: SCSI bus reset
After a little while it detects the floppy (controller, I suppose), then
reverts to the SCSI reset and doesn't move any further but keeps repeating
the message.
I can get into the debugger, but can't see anything I can do there to
disable the SCSI, if that might be any help.
Way out? Make a kernel without SCSI? How? I suppose I cannot do that on a
i386... Or can I? (I know I am stupid.)
Thx for any suggestion!
Marc Schneiders