Subject: Re: Anyone have a later snapshot than 19990518?
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: NetBSD Bob <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 12/01/1999 15:49:03
> On Wed, Dec 01, 1999 at 01:35:27PM -0500, NetBSD Bob wrote:
> > Out of curiosity, anyone have anything later for sun3 than the May 18
> > snapshot? If so, can a new snapshot be put up in the arch tree?
> My 3/60 is running a 'make build' rigth now. When it's done (in about 5 days :)
> I can build a snapshot. I suspect this will take some more days ...
Great! I would love to try it. Many thanks! X is not really needed,
but the rest would be. I know what you mean about the time. My VAX
has been grinding.... grinding.... grinding.... someday to get finished.