Subject: Re: sun3 vnd support and 'make snapshot'
To: None <>
From: Izumi Tsutsui <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 12/27/1999 22:34:40
In <> wrote:
> However! vnd's appear to be Not Supported by sun3. 'sh MAKEDEV all' won't
> create them, and they are commented out of GENERIC.
'sh MAKEDEV vnd0 vnd1' works. Of cource, I think they should be
created by 'MAKEDEV all' and GENERIC should also have them...
> Could someone with relevant wisdom let me know the situation here and what
> our prospects are for getting vnd's to work? URL's to mail-index are fine.
vnconfig on sun3 works fine. I think it is just 'not configured.'
Izumi Tsutsui