Subject: Re: Sun 3/260 and 3/110 blues on last snapshot
To: NetBSD Bob <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 01/08/2000 00:18:05
I don't know jack squat about tape installs, so I have to trust
``make snapshot'' to do the right thing as far as that part goes.
> Is there a different or later snapshot that someone should point me to?
19991223 is on its way up as of tonight. Note that this is the first one
produced using a poor-man's cross compiler, so everyone should be on the
lookout for weird bugs that go away when you rebuild stuff.
> Anyone else running 3/110 or 3/260 crates, or is everyone on 3/60's?
Mine's a 3/60, sorry :|
Todd Whitesel
toddpw @