Subject: Re: Sun 3/80
To: None <>
From: GnEaThEg0d <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 03/19/2000 11:08:44
On Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 06:14:56PM +0100, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> If the 3/80 works like others Suns, when it's powered on without keyboard
> and monitor it'll switch automatically to port ttya.
> Maybe you'll have to set the diag switch to 'on' (on my 3/60 it's a switch
> on the back pannel marked 'diag'). This worked for my 3/60, and for every
> sparc I tried (from sparc1 to Ultra/5), so I can't see why it wouldn't
> work with a 3/80.
the 3/80 has no such diagnostics thingamabob. i have a 3/60 as well and it
has it, but the 3/80 is 'special' in this reguard along with a few other
.oO Gnea [gnea at rochester dot rr dot com] Oo.
.oO You Are Elle Oo.
"You can tune a filesystem, but you can't tuna fish."