Subject: Re: 3/60 netboot/install problem
To: None <>
From: Kevin P. Neal <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 05/22/2000 11:13:12
On Sun, May 21, 2000 at 11:46:22PM -0500, Jeffrey Dunitz wrote:
> I'm not a newbie to NetBSD, but I've never tried it on a sun3 before.
> I've had this 3/60 sitting here for a long time and decided to fire it up.
> I've tried linking C02AACC9 to every one of those boot files in /tftpboot,
> and none of them really do anything.
I disagree, it looks like it tftp's the boot program just fine.
> I'm getting this:
> >b le()
> Boot: le(0,0,0)
> Using IP Address = C02AACC9
> Booting from tftp server at = C02AAC01
> Downloaded 1295771 bytes from tftp server.
> Timeout Bus Error:
> Vaddr: 1FFFE008, Paddr: 00BFC008, Type 0, Read, FC 5, Size 2 at 0004006
> >
Well, I don't have the magic decoder ring so I'll hazard a guess:
Hmmm. What kind of memory do you have installed in this machine? It
takes 1 meg simms, true parity, 9 chip, 100? ns or better. You cannot
use 3 chip simms, odd things will probably happen (they work fine for
some people, but those people are rare).
When I tried 3 chip SIMMs in my 3/60 my SCSI system failed to operate.
Also, how is the board jumpered? Is it possible it is jumpered to have
more memory than the board actually has installed?
Kevin P. Neal
"You know, I think I can hear the machine screaming from here... \
'help me! hellpp meeee!'" - Heather Flanagan, 14:52:23 Wed Jun 10 1998