Subject: Re: 3/60 netboot/install problem
To: None <>
From: NetBSD Bob <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 05/24/2000 10:14:30
> >I have tried netbooting from
> >a 3/260 with NetBSD-1.4.2 and a 4/60 with NetBSD-1.4.2, and it gets
> >as far as getting its id, and possibly loading something else, and
> >then it just sits doing nothing.
> How long did you wait? This is something I experience with netbooting my
> Suns. It has been a while since I last had to boot, but I seem to recall
> that the bootstrap loader queried every machine on my network looking for
> bootparams. The result was that it sat there twiddling its thumbs for ages,
> while all the rest of my machines printed annoyed messages about it. Just
> let it sit there for ten minutes or so and it will probably get itself going.
Hmmm, I had not thought of it taking that long. I had been waiting about
2-3 minutes, and watching the clock bar spinning extremely slowly (about
one segment per 30 seconds or so), and after that was thinking it was not
going to do anything. I will let it set longer and see if that actually
finishes. How long should it actually take, once it starts loading?