Subject: Re: panic...
To: John Hawkinson <jhawk@MIT.EDU>
From: Mark Abene <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 09/25/2000 17:07:13
On Mon, Sep 25, 2000 at 04:46:26PM -0400, John Hawkinson wrote:
> You need to include the full output of the failure in order for us
> to be very helpful.
> Perhaps you're unfamiliar with the necessary arcane syntax required
> to read crash dumps?
> gdb /netbsd
> target kcore /var/crash/netbsd.core
> --jhawk
You learn something new every day. However, it was still unhappy:
gdb /var/crash/netbsd.0
(gdb) target kcore /var/crash/netbsd.0.core
can not access 0x4, not a kernel address
can not access 0x4, not a kernel address
can not access 0x40a0, not a kernel address
can not access 0x40a0, not a kernel address
Cannot access memory at address 0x40a0.
Bogus. But considering the exact nature of the panic I had is being
experienced by other people on this list, I'd be curious to hear more.