Subject: Netboot issues with a Sun 3/60
To: None <>
From: Logan Bowers <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 05/08/2001 02:06:12
Hello, I have a Sun 3/60 and I'm having problems getting it to netboot
either the netBSD or the SunOS Xkernel. In both cases it RARPs, TFTPs,
an NFS loads the kernel, but then it just starts saying:
RPC timeout waiting for server: 0x8970ffff (actually something
different, but functionally similar for the SunOS Xkernel)
over and over again. If I do a TCP dump I can see packets leaving the
01:54:17.443607 eth0 B Broadcast ip 138: xhost.1023 > udp 96
Any ideas what might be the problem? NFS, portamapper, mountd, tftpd,
and bootparamd are all running on a RH7.0 machine. Also, NFS loading
the kernel is slow as heck (tcpdump shows it going about 1k/sec), any
ideas on how to speed that up? And finally (as if I didn't have enough
problems already), it asks bootparamd for a file "gateway". Do I need
to worry about that? Thank you.
Logan Bowers