Subject: Re: Sun 3/60 & clusters?
To: None <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 05/31/2001 08:35:31
You should be able to setup gcc to cross compile a kernel for
the 3/60. There is a pkgsrc entry that should Just Work on a
NetBSD/i386 box, but it shouldn't be too hard to setup a
cross compiler on your FreeBSD box :), particularly as you don't
need to worry about shared library support.
David/absolute -- No hype required --
On Wed, 30 May 2001, Cal wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I recieved a diskless sun 3/60 from a friend of mine, and thanks to the
> sun3 NetBSD port, I've got everything working fine with it. I wanted to
> give a thumbs up to all of the developers -- I'm surprised that people
> still write code for these things.
> The only thought I have as I'm trying to compile a smaller kernel, is
> "Man! A well trained moneky with a credit card sized calculator and a
> pencil could compile C code faster than this hog!" I think it'll take
> all night just to make the dependancies.
> Is there ANY way at all to do cluster compiling with these? My NFS
> server is running FreeBSD, so I don't think I could compile on that. I
> have looked at clusterit-1.3, but there isn't much documentation with
> it, and from looking at the man pages, it doesn't seem like it would
> work with this situation.
> Thanks!
> -Cal
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