Subject: Re: misc questiosn about sun3
To: Logan Bowers <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sun3
Date: 07/27/2001 23:02:11
> If you can, try moving the RAM from your 3/110 into your 3/50 and see
> if that reduces your system time.
Note that the -3/50s was not designed to accept user-installed RAM.
There exist third-party addons which make it possible, by adding a
daughterboard that connects via two chip sockets (the relevant chips
get moved to sockets on the daughterboard). I've seen such addons
(twice, I think) but have never owned one, and understand they're rare.
Oh yeah, and in my other message I forgot to respond to this
>> * right now I compile the kernel by myself. How long does it take,
>> 1 week?
For a diskless 4M machine, that wouldn't surprise me. My diskful -3/60
with 24M of RAM took 4 hours 36 minutes for a customized 1.4T kernel,
this time based on subtracting the timestamp of the files config(8)
writes from the timestamp of the resulting kernel. (Five minutes less
if I use the timestamp of param.c instead of config-written files; I
may not have started the compile instantly when config finished.)
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