Subject: Re: sun3 port different then many others
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sun3
Date: 06/04/2003 01:52:06
[quoting order normalized -dM]
>>> the cg8 doesn't use DMA ????
>>> ummm... what does it use ?
>> For what?  What does the cg8 do that you'd think it would have any
>> use for DMA for?
> Do any of the framebuffers use DMA ?

As far as I know they don't.  I have seen things which make me suspect
that among the undocumented bits of some of them lurk a DMA engine or
two, but as far as I know the bits remain undocumented and thus unused.

Pity, too, because it would make sense to be able to DMA stuff (either
video RAM contents or for the more sophisticated boards higher-level
stuff like drawing operations) from host memory to the framebuffer.

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