Subject: Re: cg6 on sun3x (3/80)
To: None <>
From: Izumi Tsutsui <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 01/05/2004 00:54:19
In article <> wrote:
> Has anyone done any work on supporting a cg6 on a sun3x?
> It seems that the way to do this would be to include files.sun and set it
> up like a P4 cg6 on sparc. However, including files.sun causes duplicates
> for bwtwo, kbd and ms. Should the sun3 code use the code from dev/sun or
> should a cg6 driver be separate, like the rest of the sun3 drivers?
At first, bus_space(9) support for sun3 is needed to use MI sun drivers.
Maybe sun68k/sun68k/bus.c would be a good start, but it seems to have
some sun2 specific code so some cleanup is required, I think.
(I also have 3/80 with P4 cgsix, but no work is done yet.)
Izumi Tsutsui