Subject: Re: 3.0 Very Slow?
To: None <>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 01/17/2006 21:24:37
In message <>, Douglas Wade Needham
>This machine will see no idle due to a program which runs niced to 20
>and will eat any computation cycles with almost no idle. This
>program, which is similar to setiathome (but processing data for a
>different radio telescope), was also running before, with no changes
>in configuration, resource usage per data unit, etc. And both of the
>kernels had APM enabled as well. Unfortunately, I have not
>instrumented it to the point where I can tell whether it has slowed
>down in processing...that is one of the things I had been meaning to
>do, but had not yet had a chance to complete.
Another issue: is it the total system that's slower or the compiler?
--Steven M. Bellovin,