Subject: Re: Distribution?
To: None <>
From: None <CRITCHSS@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/27/1995 20:45:12
> From: IN%"" "Mike Umbricht" 27-FEB-1995 20:19:24.91
> Subj: RE: Distribution?
> CRITCHSS@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu writes:
> > Not to take away from Ragge's time, but has anyone thought about how we are
> > going to distribute the system to systems with no OS?]
> On a similar note: is it possible to create a distribution kit on a VMS system?
> -mike
I've mentioned this before, is there a way to do it similar to 4.3vaxbsd. From
what I could gleam from the information, and a tk58 tape I have is that you
could boot a mini kernel then do a copy of a mini filesystem from tu78 to a
special section of HD then boot from that section so as to copy the full
filesystem over to the normal place on the HD. The tk58 tape has /boot /format
and /copy. The only prob I see with this form of dist. is the fact that not
every home user of a vax has the luxery of a tu78 like I do.
Steven Critchfield