Subject: Re: Compiling kernel
To: Jarkko Torppa <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/24/1995 12:26:27
> Kernel without COMPACT_RENO fails to work, halts before it prints the
> copyright, seems that some variable is uninitialized as the values
> it prints are bit smallish. Error is prolly in pmap.c as that was the only
> file I recompiled after adding COMPACT_RENO.
No, it's in locore.c. COMPACT_RENO is taken away as option but will
still be needed in 1.1 Release. After 1.1 it won't be needed anymore.
> Ps. I were quite shocked to see my uVaxII speak in swedish to me :)
Ehum... I thought I had taken away all those swedish printouts.
Must have missed one...
-- Ragge