Subject: Kernel build: missing file
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kevin McQuiggin <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/03/1996 15:08:56
Hi all:
I am trying to build a new kernel. A file seems to be missing. It's
in_cksum.c in ...arch/vax/vax. I just pulled sys.tar off of the
ftp server a few days ago.
I don't have the disk space for a full source tree and so have only
grabbed sys.tar, for /usr/src/sys.
Do I need any more source to compile a kernel? I also run FreeBSD,
and in that environment /usr/src/sys is all that's needed for a new
kernel build.
Kevin McQuiggin VE7ZD