Subject: Re: 3100 boot images...
To: VAX NetBSD Mailing List <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Wonko the Sane (Brian Hechinger) <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/08/1997 16:59:24
Roger Ivie drunkenly mumbled...
> That's correct. Your HP should be set to 9600 baud, no parity, 8 bits.
cool, now i just have to get it back. :) always need something after you
lend it out.
> Yes, it should. I'm not far enough along in dorking with NetBSD on the 2000 to
> say for certain.
well, i don't need support for more than one terminal right now anyway.
when you get somewhere let me know how it goes.
> The motherboard has an NCR 5380 SCSI controller on it. You could buy an
> expansion box for the 2000 which, among other things, included a cable to
> plug into the SCSI port and bring it out to a 50-pin Centronix-type
> connector. DEC supports only tape on this bus, so if you hook a disk to
> it you won't be able to boot from that disk. Perhaps you could load the
> boot program from floppy and have it load the kernel from the disk; I don't
> know yet, I've not yet taken a good look at Bertram's code.
maybe boot from the ST251
> Bear in mind that the SCSI port on the 2000 will never be a high
> perfromance thing. The 5380 is not terribly intelligent, so the CPU has to get
> involved in most phase transitions. There's a reserved chunk of memory to
> which the 5380 has DMA access, but the CPU has to copy data into and out
> of this chunk, etc.
hmm, maybe boot from ST251 and NFS mount stuff from my other NetBSD box (i386)
maybe that's the way to go. put the 1G in the Sparc5 where it should go anyway
now all i need is an expansion box to put it in.
> If you're talking about the 50-pin connector to the left of the power
> connector, yes.
what tape drives does this thing support? i've got WangTek-5150ES (DC6250
1/4" tapes) that could be used in it. well, it moves around alot. but i could
drop stuff on it and use it to boot and do initial install with at least. no
need to mess around with floppies if i can help it