Subject: Re: Source Tree and GCC cross compile.
To: Joe Broxson <>
From: Curt Sampson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/11/1997 19:54:00
On Tue, 11 Mar 1997, Joe Broxson wrote:
> I have downloaded the source tree
> (1.2) and don't know what to do with it now. (It's in the form .aa .ab
> .ac, etc...)
It's a split-apart gzip'd tar file. Try something like
cat whatever.[a-z][a-z] | gzcat | tar -x
> Second. I tried to compile a GCC as a VAX-ULTRIX cross compiler.
Don't compile C++ or objective-C when you're compiling a cross-compiler.
This will only work for the kernel and static executables, BTW,
and even for that you may need the patch on my patches page:
Curt Sampson Info at
Internet Portal Services, Inc. Through infinite myst, software reverberates
Vancouver, BC (604) 257-9400 In code possess'd of invisible folly.