Subject: Re: uVAX II Won't boot
To: None <bl514@smt.NET>
From: Tim Shoppa <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/09/1997 13:10:11
> Hey .. I now have some different results from my VAX .. when i type b
> dua1 to boot from RX33 .. the light on the RX33 blinks for a fraction of
> a second, then the HD RD54 drive light blinks for a second, then the
> RX33 light stays on and it makes a noise every 10 seconds or so as if it
> seeking. But the light stays on, it doesn't seem to be reading anything
> from the drive, and the uVAX just sits at 2.. on the screen. It has
> been doing this for about 10 minutes now.
What drive select jumper is
installed on your RX33? Are you using a plain straight floppy cable,
or one of the bastardized twist-in-the-middle PC-clone floppy cables?
You don't explicitly say so, but am I
correct in assuming this is on a RQDX3? If so, which revision?