Subject: Re: SCSI for my uVAX 3600
To: Rick GC <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/11/1997 15:20:17
> Hello,
> I would like to connect a SCSI disk drive to my uVAX 3600, could someone
> suggest a Q bus card that would make it possible? I noticed in the new
> edlabel docs that SCSI disks were supported and I would like to use a
> smaller (physical) drive than the RA82's (might even beable to use it in the
> house!).
That 'SCSI is supported' doesn't mean that all different types of SCSI
works. The only Q-bus SCSI cards that will work are the cards that
emulate MSCP (and they have been working for a long time).
-- Ragge