Subject: Problems w/VS3100
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ole Myren R|hne <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/22/1997 14:50:51
I have tried booting NetBSD on a VS3100 over the network using the
description found at:
The network booting part worked, including the expected problems with
rpc.bootparamd and whoami...
Then the problems in the order that they occur:
1. This particular VS3100 is diskless, with some internal scsi bus
left unconnected/unterminated. When booting, I get a some 10 minutes wo=
of messages like
ncr0 at vsbus0: scsi-id 7
scsibus0 at ncr0: 8 targets
ncr0: reselect, BSY stuck, bus=3D0xff
ncr0: reselect, BSY stuck, bus=3D0xff
ncr0: select found SCSI bus busy, resetting
ncr0: reselect, BSY stuck, bus=3D0xff
ncr0: reselect, BSY stuck, bus=3D0xff
ncr0: select found SCSI bus busy, resetting
I guess recompiling the kernel with SCSI support turned off will fix
this, but is there another way of forcing the kernel to ignore the SCSI=
2. After the kernel finally decides that the SCSI is dead, I get a
message like=20
Automatic file system check failed; help!
Enter pathname of shell or RETURN for sh:
Fine... But at this point the termial is dead. Except the break key
still works, it puts me back at the >>> prompt.
I really don't have a clue, maybe it changes the console back to the
graphics screen (which is not connected because I don't have it) or
maybe it tries to change the communications setup of the serial port?
=09Ole Myren R=F8hne