Subject: Re: Netbooting MicroVAX-II
To: Vitalya S. Lugovsky aka Mauhuur <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/28/1997 20:46:40
I'm not sure what you are asking :), but you can install
NetBSD/vax from tape (tk50), floppy, or via network booting
(though I dont think network booting works on the uVaxII yet)
The best approach might be to make a boot tape - help is available
If you have any questions - just let the list know :)
.---- I've been too drunk to love ----.-- I've been too drunk to remember -.
| too drunk to care | the hell of the night before |
| looked like death, felt like hell | I've been drinking myself blind |
`------ been the worse for wear ------'-- and still I'll drink some more --'
On Wed, 28 May 1997, Vitalya S. Lugovsky aka Mauhuur wrote:
> Is there any way to do $SUBJ?
> I've MicroVAX-II connected to the local network, where is NetBSD MicroVAX3900
> and two OpenVMS VAX4000-xxx.
> What I need to $SUBJ?
> best wishes 2 U all,
> VSL aka Mauhuur