Subject: Re: More VS2000 booting problems
To: None <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/29/1997 09:29:22
> I just got my hands on a working VS3100/38 tonight so I'll finally get to
> personally test netbooting that particular model of 3100 soon. I would
> also be interested in hearing from anyone:
> - who's successfully booted a VS2000, which netbsd kernel you used?
> - who's successfully booted MicroVAX 3100's (all models) and which kernel
> you used?
A MV2000 should boot up from the "official" distribution.
A MV3100 may boot depending of type, phase of moon etc. from Bertram's
support work.
> Not to mention things are still very fuzzy for me as to which kernels have
> what support for which machines. Seems like a lot of the NetBSD/vax
> kernel development efforts are both overlapping and fragmented.
I will try to get time to sync the official distribution in a
couple of weeks.
-- Ragge