Subject: Re: Netbooting MicroVAX-II
To: Vitalya S. Lugovsky aka Mauhuur <>
From: Brian D Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/29/1997 19:02:16
On Wed, 28 May 1997, Vitalya S. Lugovsky aka Mauhuur wrote:
> Is there any way to do $SUBJ?
> I've MicroVAX-II connected to the local network, where is NetBSD MicroVAX3900
> and two OpenVMS VAX4000-xxx.
> What I need to $SUBJ?
Out of curiosity, what is $SUBJ? It looks like something VMS-ish to me as
VMS tends to make use of lots and lots of $'s. (Do you think DEC was
trying to hint at the cost of VMS and it's related maintenance? :-) Then
knowing the "$SUBJ" bit of info I could maybe better understand what
you're trying to get your MicroVAX-II to do with the NetBSD MicroVAX 3900
and OpenVMS VAX4000 you've already got on your network.
(Thiugh I'm not saying that I'd have a useful answer).
Brian D. Chase Systems Coordinator
-- Compression, Inc. - 13765 Alton Pkwy, Suite B - Irvine, CA 92618, USA --