Subject: NetBSD on VS2000?
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: A.Arnold <>
List: port-vax
Date: 09/08/1997 11:28:34
Hi altogether,
A week or so ago, I was given two VAXStations 2000 together with a TK50
streamer. I already use NetBSD on a Sun/3 and two DECstations, so I thought
installing NetBSD on the VAXen would be a good idea. I understand that NetBSD
currently does not support de VS2000's graphics board, so I made a serial cable
according the instructions in a FAQ I found via the NetBSD/VAX FAQ. The
terminal attached to the printer port works with the console software, and I
can boot the boot tape I created on another NetBSD system. However, I do not
get the 'Nboot' prompt. The machine just sits there and does nothing until
I press the Halt button. Since I also do not get any exception messages from
the console, I suspect that the boot loader loaded OK but talks to another
port or uses different line parameters (I set my terminal to 9600 8N1, this
works with the console...).
Does anyone know wha I'm doing wrong? Excuse me if this is a very dumb ques-
tion, but this is my first exposure to VAXen ...
Alfred Arnold
Alfred Arnold Phone: +49 (2461) 61-2434
Zentralinstitut fuer Angewandte Mathematik Fax : +49 (2461) 61-6656
Forschungszentrum Juelich E-Mail:
D-52425 Juelich, Germany
God is an atheist.