Subject: Re: Problems with uVAX II hardware
To: Joop Carels <>
From: Gordon Zaft <>
List: port-vax
Date: 09/08/1997 11:49:04
> When I call the tape as tms(0,1) or tms(0,0,1) (which it is) I get a message
> that device tms is not supported and a list of supported devices.
Did you try calling it mt(0,0,1)?
> One more thing I noticed:
> When the VAX gives it's boot prompt and I tell it to boot dua0 (the rd54),
> it calls the disk and reports a failure to boot (figures). However when I
> boot from the tk50 tape and I get the NBOOT prompt of netbsd and I tell it
> to boot ra(0,1)netbsd (even though there is no such thing yet) it tells me
> that I have used a wrong adapter number. It doesn't even call the hardware.
> It looks kind of like the problem with the tk50 drive and the copy program.
> As long as I remain within the VAX's ROM/BIOS system all is well, but when
> the netbsd boot is in memory it seems all hardware support vanished. (except
> edlabel, which sees the rd54 AND the partitions on it)
Did you try ra(0,0,1)?