Subject: Success!
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tom Guptill <>
List: port-vax
Date: 09/26/1997 18:27:09
Thanks for all of the help y'all have given me! While my GPX is still on
hold, I just successfully booted my 3100! It came up just fine using
MOP/RARP/BOOTP/NFS, which will do until I get the install onto the local
disks. Unfortunately, it looks like the internal disk is only 50mb, but I'm
sure I've got another one around here.
Thanks, everyone!
Tom Guptill Department of Physics and Astronomy
UNIX SA University of Rochester Rochester, NY USA
t o m @ t a c o . n e t HEPNet: tgpt@urhep
t g p t @ p a s . r o c h e s t e r . e d u