Subject: Re: PDP11 unix
To: None <, port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Steven M. Schultz <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/14/1997 10:12:56
Hi -
> From: Paul A Vixie <>
> 2.11 has had several hundred patches released for it. its official maintainer
Latest one, released last week, was #392.
> is steven schultz, or some such. it's actively used, probably
> with as many running systems as 4.3-reno on the vax.
It probably _should_ have been but at the time I goofed and
picked - oh well. That's probably a fairly good estimate
of the user community - I know of half a dozen for sure (because I
have accounts on 'em ;-)) but other than that I rarely hear from
folks unless they have a problem.
Steven Schultz