Subject: Re: kvm trouble
To: None <>
From: maximum entropy <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/24/1997 12:30:56
> After 1.2G installation kvm seems not to work. I recompiled libkvm and
>ps, but it still cannot work:
>ps: proc size mismatch (3100 total, 624 chunks)
> What shell I do?!
Did you make sure your installed include files were up to date, and
that the libkvm & ps you compiled matched your kernel?
The correct sequence will be something like...
- Get a matched set of sources
- Build kernel, install as /netbsd
- reboot
- cd /usr/src && make includes
- cd /usr/src/lib/libkvm && make cleandir && make && make install
- cd /usr/src/bin/ps && make cleandir && make && make install
entropy -- it's not just a good idea, it's the second law.